KONOS Kids (Grades 3-4)
Learning made funKONOS Kids follows the KONOS Curriculum unit studies, integrating science, social studies, art, music, literature, language arts, and Bible. The class day is full of content and related hands-on activities.
In order to carefully target the educational and developmental needs of students in grades 3 and 4, KONOS offers KONOS Kids 3/4.
The program includes:
- Character-based unit studies
- A year-long syllabus outlining the key areas of study
- Weekly assignment sheets and pacers for students to schedule work
- Weekly communication to parents explaining areas covered
- End-of-unit special events and presentations
- Weekly teacher checks
- Weekly in-class application of the 5 D’s:
1. Doing (hands-on activities)
2. Discovering (experimenting, figuring out)
3. Dramatizing (acting out what students learn)
4. Dialoguing (narrating and discussing)
5. Drilling (playing games and drills to reinforce concepts)

KONOS has been a lifesaver for me! It relieved me of hours of lesson-planning, and my girls are studying subjects that I would never have been able to include in our studies otherwise. KONOS gives our home-schooling the added structure that it needed and still allows the flexibility that I love!
–C.M., KONOS KIDS mother