KONOS Academy (Grades 9-12)
The culmination of the Konos experienceTaught by John Lee, Don Rhymer, and other gifted faculty members, students thrive.
High school students attend the one-day program on either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday and receive instruction, interaction, and testing in both a large group and small group setting in the subject areas of history, English, and the year’s electives (see below). In class, they are given assignments for the rest of the week. Parents receive professional support, group activities, and an organized curriculum for the year. All classes are accredited.

You have stretched (our boys) academically and helped them solidify their world view. They are better equipped to go out into the real world as critical thinkers.
–J.C., KONOS Academy father

Students who follow the four-year program and take selected Konos Plus Courses fulfill all the graduation requirements of the state of Georgia.
These courses are listed according to Georgia requirements and will appear as such on transcripts. Nevertheless, it is important to know that our history core incorporates literature, speech, writing, art, etc. into its weekly syllabus. For example, while studying the ancient world, the Old Testament is used as a skeletal outline for studies of surrounding cultures. During year 2, the Medieval World includes the early church and the New Testament writings. During year 3, the Age of Exploration includes much more than just early American history, with the history of Great Britain, Europe, and Russia from 1600-1900, including art and music history/appreciation. The foundation of America includes the formation of government. During year 4, more than mere American history is included as we move toward global economics and other world relations. Likewise, ethical issues become paramount during this time period.
- Ancient World History – 1 credit
- World Composition – 1 credit
- Advanced World Literature – 1 credit
- Old Testament and Foundations – 1 credit
- Speech and Drama I – ½ credit
- Critical Thinking and Career Search – ½ credit
- Medieval World History – 1 credit
- British Composition – 1 credit
- Advanced British Literature – 1 credit
- New Testament and Early Church I – John (Part 1) – 1 credit
- Speech and Drama II – ½ credit
- Health – ½ credit
- Foundations in Finance – ½ credit
- American History – 1 credit
- American Composition – 1 credit
- Advanced American Literature – 1 credit
- New Testament and Early Church II – John (Part 2) – 1 credit
- Speech and Drama III – ½ credit
- American Government – ½ credit
- Art and Music Appreciation – ½ credit
- Modern World History – 1 credit
- Modern Composition – 1 credit
- Advanced Modern Literature – 1 credit
- New Testament and Early Church III – Romans – 1 credit
- Speech and Drama IV – ½ credit
- Ethics – ½ credit
- Personal Finance and Economics – ½ credit
We’re so happy to be a part of something that has changed not only our daughter’s life (and by extension, ours), but is laying life-long groundwork for this whole group of kids! We never stop thanking God for the day we found Konos!
–D&G, Konos Academy parents
With sufficient training in reading, writing, and reasoning, Konos students are now ready for high school, college-prep courses. Rather than piecemeal courses, students immerse themselves in a historical period, which integrates all their courses, while receiving accredited grades for each course.
The focus of 2024-25 is Modern Times (20th Century to Present).
Modern World History - 1 credit
Elise Barrett
The theme for 2024-25 is Modern Times. Students see American history unfold as part of a global culture. Through weekly lectures, readings, and projects, students explore the ideas and events of this world-shaking time period.
Modern Literature and Modern Composition – 1 credit each
John Lee, Joanne Lee, Cindy Johnson, and Dr. Sharon Sellers
English literature is coordinated with the history units. We will read and analyze a wide variety of historical fiction and novels based upon this period. Students practice vocabulary, grammar, and composition skills each week.
New Testament and Early Church III – 1 credit
John Lee
Students will complete a year’s expositional study of Romans.
Personal Finance and Economics – ½ credit
Ray Lewis
Students are introduced to basic micro, macro, and international economic concepts and vocabulary. They will also participate in a virtual stock exchange and manage portfolios throughout the year. Students will learn basic life skills such as how to file a tax return, buy insurance, and make a budget.
Ethics – ½ credit
Ray Lewis and John Lee
As the basis for our culture’s values has rapidly changed, it has greatly affected ethical and moral behavior. Using a variety of resources, students analyze and discuss current ethical issues facing them today.
Speech and Drama - ½ credit
Joanne Lee
Students gain confidence and competence in rhetorical skills through practice in public speaking and drama. Each year students participate in a major theatrical performance.