Konos GOAL Scholarship Program / How to Contribute

Georgia law allows its taxpayers to redirect a portion of their Georgia income tax to Konos Academy via the school’s partnership with the GOAL Student Scholarship Organization allowing you to control how some of your tax dollars are used and can help Konos and homeschool families with the tax dollars you normally give to the state!
Individuals and businesses may apply for the Qualified Education Expense (QEE) Tax Credit up to specified amount limitations (see chart below). The state approves the amount of the tax credit allowed giving the taxpayer or business 60 days to make the payment. The taxpayer or business makes the payment, and a tax credit receipt is provided that is used to file with the taxpayer’s or business’s income tax.


GOAL submits your application to Dept. of Revenue (DOR)
GOAL submits your application to the Georgia Department of Revenue on the first business day in January.

Approved to Contribute
By mid-January, GOAL and the DOR notify you of your approved tax credit amount and payment deadline.

Make Payment
Pay GOAL by check, credit card, or ACH within 60 days of DOR approval (usually mid-March).

Take the Credit
GOAL will send you form IT-QEE-SS01 (tax receipt) in May for claiming the credit on your Georgia income tax return (Note: you will take the credit on the income tax return for the year in which you make the payment).
There are many families seeking to attend Konos based on our mission and quality of education. For some homeschooling families, the ability to afford to send their student(s) to Konos may stand as a significant barrier. By contributing to the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program, you get to control how some of your taxes are used and can help Konos and homeschool families with the tax dollars you normally give to the state. YOU ARE HELPING KONOS AND THE FAMILIES WHO ATTEND.
Georgia Qualified Education Expense Tax Credit
In 2008, Georgia passed legislation for the Qualified Education Expense (QEE) Tax Credit. This legislation allows Georgia citizens and certain businesses to receive a tax credit for contributions made to a qualified Student Scholarship Organization (SSO) to support families who desired to attend private schools. The legislation sets a maximum value of credits that can be awarded annually — currently at $120M for tax year 2023. This law allows Georgia taxpayers to redirect a portion of their Georgia income tax to Konos Academy via the school’s partnership with the GOAL Student Scholarship Organization!
What is the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program?
As part of the legislation, approved SSO’s are the only entities allowed to receive QEE approved tax credit contributions. Konos has partnered with Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program, Inc. to receive these tax credit contributions and facilitate the distribution of funds to students who have been approved for a scholarship. While Konos selects the recipients and the amount for each scholarship, Georgia GOAL is responsible for ensuring that the scholarships allocated meet the state guidelines and requirements associated with the legislation.
How Much can I contribute to the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program?
The maximum contribution amounts are based on your tax filing status with the state of Georgia. Use the table above to identify the maximum contribution amount based on your filing status.
Do I have to contribute the maximum amount possible?
No, any contribution amount can be submitted up to the maximum amount based on your tax filing status.
I can only contribute a small amount at this time, should I contribute?
All funds contributed, regardless of the amount, are pooled together to provide available funding to assist eligible Konos students. The more who participate in the program, regardless of the contribution amount, will allow Konos to provide more assistance to families.
When Do I Have to make Payment?
Your payment is due 60 days after the state approves your application. Applications won’t be processed until the first business day of the calendar year; therefore, no payment until March.
When do I get benefit of my tax credit?
Approved payments for the GOAL Scholarship Program are considered received in the tax year they are paid. For example, the tax credit for payments to the GOAL Scholarship Program received in 2022 would be applied to the Georgia income tax return filed for 2022 by April 15, 2023.
Will this impact how much my Georgia income tax withholdings are with my current employer(s)?
Contributions to the GOAL Scholarship Program do not change the Georgia income tax withholdings with your current employer(s). Your current employer will continue to withhold Georgia income tax based on information you provided to them on the G-4 form.
Should I change my Georgia income tax withholdings if I contribute to the GOAL Scholarship Program?
Every taxpayer’s circumstance is different. It is recommended that you speak with your tax advisor on what would be most advantageous for you based on your circumstances.
How will this impact my tax return when I file?
Every taxpayer’s circumstance is different, but your approved and paid contribution will be considered taxes paid toward your total income tax liability for Georgia for the year you made the payment. Here is an example of an individual (family) who has a $7,000 income tax liability on their income taxes and who made a $5,000 approved contribution to the GOAL Scholarship Program:
Can I designate who receives the scholarship?
No, the contribution you make goes to Konos to provide scholarships for qualified students. Contributors are not allowed to designate a recipient of the contributions.
Does the State of Georgia have any say in Konos’ operations or curriculum?
No. There is no part of the legislation that dictates any state control over the curriculum, operations, or other aspects of the recipient school. The legislation dictates the total amount of the annual tax credit, who can contribute and the limits on contributions, and the requirements for who is eligible to receive scholarships associated with these contributions. The legislation requires the private schools to work with a SSO to facilitate and manage the process. The design of the legislation is intentional to prevent the state’s interference in the private school’s curriculum or operations.
Is my business eligible to participate in the GOAL Scholarship Program?
Businesses that pay taxes in Georgia as pass-through entities (e.g. Sole proprietorships, LLC’s, S-Corporations), c-corporations, trusts, or pay insurance tax are eligible to participate.
How does participating in the GOAL Scholarship Program as a business help me?
For businesses that ‘elect’ to be pass-through entities, up to 75% of their annual tax liability can be contributed to the GOAL Scholarship Program. This can provide a double tax benefit: 1) 100% tax credit for the pass-through owner and 2) a federal business expense deduction if the expense qualifies as an ordinary and necessary business expense. Visit For Business Owners and Tax Advisors on GOAL’s website for more information.
GOAL Scholarship Organization
GOAL Tax Credit Application
GOAL Donor Information
Business Owner Information
HB 149
HB 149 – Summary of Key Provisions
HB 149 – Georgia Department of Revenue Regulations
A Roadmap for CPAs Financial Advisors Business Owners
More Information about the Konos GOAL Scholarship Program:
Email: goal@konos.org