About Arts & Academics
The Konos Arts & Academics Program offers exciting, enriching opportunities for all homeschooled students. The various activities allow students to use their talents and gifts, interact in collaborative environments, and take part in new experiences.
Many of the activities give students the chance to compete through Georgia Association of Private and Parochial Schools (GAPPS). GAPPS is the largest private, interscholastic organization in Georgia with over 120 competing schools.
The Arts & Academics program continues to grow, expanding the options that are available for students. Currently, we offer competition, participation, or performance opportunities in chess, chorus, essay writing, piano soloists, robotics, speech, spelling, vocal soloists, and more.
If you have any questions about the Arts & Academics program, please reach out to
Interested students of all skill levels are welcome to join the Chess team. They learn the fundamentals of the game, as well as advanced strategies and competitive insights. Practices are held every week, beginning in the fall, at Konos Academy. The season culminates with GAPPS regional and state competitions. Signups are in the fall.
After an audition process, students are eligible to join Chorus. It is an accredited Plus class, and students receive half a credit for each semester. The group meets and rehearses on a weekly basis. Chorus participants perform sacred, classical, and modern songs. The Chorus also sings for select athletic events, gala celebrations, concerts, and presentations. GAPPS competition opportunities are to be determined.
GAPPS Literary Competitions
Konos Core students have the opportunity to represent Konos in several categories, including essay writing, piano soloists, speech, spelling, and vocal solo performances. Competitions are held at the regional and state levels in the winter and spring. An audition process is required to select competitors.
Robotics lets interested students learn how to collaborate and create during weekly meetings. It’s a team-oriented club where students work together to build robots programmed to perform specific tasks. The group also has competition opportunities. Signups are in the fall.