Accreditation & Graduation
KONOS Academy is accredited with quality through the Georgia Accrediting Commission. The Georgia Accrediting Commission has provided and continues to provide leadership for education in Georgia. The accrediting process stimulates schools to provide better and safer physical facilities, and to improve the qualifications of staff members, teaching conditions, and curriculum. It also provides a valid means of judging the quality of schools. Accreditation by the Georgia Accrediting Commission has always been a way of recognizing schools with good educational programs. Its standards continue to serve as guides for those who want to develop good programs.
The mission of the Georgia Accrediting Commission is twofold:
- to establish standards promoting instruction of high quality for children in Georgia and
- to encourage schools to meet the established standards.
GAC provides an accreditation process designed to establish and uphold standards, to strengthen the quality of education in each school, and to assure its membership and the general public that the established standards are related to the best educational practices.

Every course (both core and supplementary) is accredited by the Georgia Accrediting Commission.
All courses taught at KONOS are approved by the NCAA.
Transcript Service
KONOS Academy provides an accredited transcript for attending students. This transcript will reflect the total student, including core courses and electives. Test scores and extra curricula activities can also be noted. Our guidance counselor, Leah Smith, will work with you to assure that your student will have all required courses to graduate in the state of Georgia. She will also assist as you plan for college, including applying for the HOPE Scholarship, if applicable. Testing reminders will also be shared. Let KONOS help you as you navigate the high school years. For more information, please contact Leah Smith.
Colleges attended by Konos graduates:
Anderson University
Armstrong State University
Auburn University
Augusta University
Bard College
Berea College
Belhaven University
Berry College
Biola University
Boyce College
Brewton-Parker College
Clayton State University
Clemson University
Columbus State University
Covenant College
Furman University
Georgia College and State University
Georgia Military College
Georgia Perimeter College
Georgia Southern University
Georgia State University
Georgia Tech
Gordon State College
Hillsdale College
Kennesaw State University
King’s College (NYC)
LaGrange College
Lee University
Liberty University
Mercer University
Middle Tennessee State University
Point University
Roanoke College
Samford University
SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design)
Toccoa Falls College
Truett McConnell University
University of Georgia
University of North Georgia
University of Tennessee
University of West Georgia
Wagner College
Wallace College
Washington University, St. Louis, MO /Ph.D. program
College Prep
We follow the state of Georgia’s requirements for a college-prep diploma. We do not spoon-feed our students. Because they are only in class one day a week, they must develop the skill of being self-learners. Our students also learn the skill of time management. They are given assignments during class, then must learn how to budget their time to be prepared for the next week’s class. Our courses are academically rigorous. When students graduate from KONOS, they will know how to write and give a speech, both skills that they will need in college. Our students are well rounded, as they are immersed in classical literature and are taught the big picture of history.
Graduation Requirements
- Students desiring to graduate with Konos Academy must be enrolled at Konos for at least 2 consecutive years (Sophomore-Junior or Junior-Senior).
- All graduating students must be enrolled in their senior year. “History Only” seniors are qualified to graduate with Konos.
- Students enrolled in Konos Plus classes only are not eligible to graduate with Konos Academy.
- Students desiring a Konos Academy transcript must satisfy the requirement in #1 above.
- Students must satisfy all State of Georgia graduation requirements and must pass all state and Konos required classes.
We have been a part of the Konos community for the last 6 years. We have loved and benefited greatly from the amazing teachers and administrators who have come along side us and contributed to our children’s education and character building. Our kids have been challenged and encouraged in many ways. It is unique to find a place that has a high regard for strong education coupled with concern for Biblical truth and the souls of the students; and we have found that at Konos. We’ve also built wonderful relationships with other Konos families.