Konos is education through God’s eyes.
This means that we teach that God exists and is the author of all knowledge. He is the starting point. The word “Konos” is the Greek word for “cone” representing a biblical worldview. The inverted cone symbolizes God at the top of all life, not just “religious” life. His influence is seen both in creation (natural and physical sciences, geography, mathematical principles) and in His design of humans (philosophy, history, art, music, literature, technology, and law). Therefore, to be well educated means to have a thorough knowledge of theology, the sciences, and the humanities.
Konos one day programs offer the best of both worlds:
- A biblical worldview education in a world that is moving in the opposite direction
- 1-2 days of class instruction at Konos with assignments to be completed at home
- An accredited classically rich curriculum to provide direction and accountability
- Teaching students to think critically from a biblical worldview
- Another authority to hold your child accountable
- Absorbing, fun projects done “the Konos way”
- Group and extracurricular activities (plays, sports, competitive fine arts, etc.)
- Loving and competent teachers who pour their hearts into their students
- A community that loves God and one another
- Positive peer influence

What do parents and students have to say?
What is distinctive about Konos?
–S.C.H., KONOS ACADEMY parents

Our Founders
After meeting at L’Abri and marrying in 1971, Charles and Carole Thaxton incorporated Konos, Inc. as a teaching, training, counseling center in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
After moving to Dallas, where Charles worked with Probe Ministries, the Thaxtons resolved to teach their own children according to the Konos model of incorporating academic subjects within a character development framework and called their home-school Konos Academy. Carole Thaxton and Jessica Hulcy co-authored the Konos curriculum unit studies. Dr. Charles wrote The Mystery of Life’s Origin in 1986. Translation of The Mystery of Life’s Origin and later The Soul of Science into several Eastern European languages led to extensive travel throughout Eastern Europe. The Thaxton family decided to reside in Prague for six years for more intensive ministry. Carole’s forte of education and counseling prepared her not only for home-schooling their own sons but in founding the Konos Academy of Prague. In 2001, the Thaxtons moved to Fayetteville, GA, and began Konos Academy. In 2017, the baton of leadership was passed to John and Joanne Lee and in 2019 Konos purchased their first school facility in Tyrone, Georgia. With nearly 400 students, Konos is working on plans for a multi-use building to meet their growing needs.