KONOS Kidlets (Grades 1-2)

What is KONOS Kidlets?
Konos Kidlets is a program designed for grades 1-2 (ages 6-8). The children meet once a week (9:00-2:45) and are instructed by three experienced teachers. A support group for parents is also offered.
Appropriate for this age group, it is cooperative enjoyment and enrichment while absorbing new information and skills, readying them for more formal learning in KONOS Kids 3/4. We hope to keep their interest and enthusiasm, not sap the delight of learning.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays 9:00-2:45
Support group for parents
A weekly at-home curriculum for parents
Program includes:
1) A curriculum for grades 1-2 containing:
- A yearly scope and sequence
- A weekly at-home plan with the following:
- Recommended weekly activities
- Recommended library books
- Recommended Bible verses
- All your Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, and Literature (need Math and Language Arts to supplement)
2) A weekly class with other children
One-day class features:
During class day, the 5 D’s will take place:
- Doing (hands-on activities)
- Discovering (experimenting, figuring out)
- Dramatizing (acting out what they learn)
- Dialoguing (narrating and discussing)
- Drilling (playing games to reinforce)
Why choose KONOS Kidlets for your child?
Kidlets (grades 1-2, usually ages 6-8) are at a pivotal point in their education. These are the years of determining whether the child will become a life-long learner. Some educational programs steal a child’s love of learning. Many forget the origin of all goodness, beauty, and truth. This won’t happen with the KONOS Kidlets. This program will immerse the children in the goodness of God, the beauty of creation, the excellence of great stories, the joy of discovery, the value of Godly behavior, and the thrill of accomplishing cooperatively.
We believe that the formative years of learning should be at home, but parents are asking for more help. They want supervision of their curriculum and social interaction for their children at this age. Also, they trust the KONOS leaders to recommend resources, sequence, training in character, etc. In other words, “I want to home-school but I need help!”